Social Media started as a source of entertainment, which then slowly crept its way on the higher slabs of the ladder and soon became an indispensable part of our lives. A part that is now primarily seen as a platform that helps in engaging with audiences and increasing brand visibility at minimum cost, delivering maximum results. This is the reason for the successful present and future of the digital media industry in India and worldwide. The top benefits of well thought and good social media strategy is as follows: 

It helps in increasing footprints on the brand’s website, in other words, it helps in increasing traffic on the website.

It increases the brand positioning in the minds of the prospective consumer base thereby growing a larger audience base.

It assists in increasing brand awareness.

Since Social Media is the nerve of today’s generation, a good social media strategy helps any brand to connect with the target audience base in a more precise and fruitful manner.

With increased brand positioning and customer base, more leads are generated, thereby allowing brands to increase sales, thus money. 

Keeping all these points into consideration, it would not be wrong or exaggeration to say that social media strategies and planning has emerged as one the most prominent and crucial milestones for every marketing & advertising wing of every organization. 

The most recent social media statistics, too prove the importance of Social Media for every brand. These are as follows: 

More than 60% of the World’s population is using the internet daily and is online. 

There exists a 9% increase in the total number of social media users from last year, making the numbers to 3.80 billion. 

92% of users of the internet worldwide, connect with social platforms via their mobile phones.

So, if you intend to give your brand a jumpstart with the best of social media planning and strategy, keep reading the blog further to come across some best cutting-edge tactics and practices of social media success, as is followed by the best social media marketing agency in Delhi and worldwide.  

1. State your goals and objectives: 

The most imperative requirement for a result-oriented social media strategy is laying down clear cut goals, and objectives along with well thought planning to achieve them. Lack of strong goals, in the beginning, will not only reduce your growth but will also restrict you from revising or evolving your strategies in the long run. Always chalk down your goals that are consistent with your overall marketing goals and resources. 

2. Research is the strongest pillar:

You can only work to churn out your goals and efforts into fruitful results, in the world of social media when you know your audience. It is crucial to know and connect with your audience and for that to happen thorough research of your audience base is of utmost importance. Some of the ways to understand your target audience better are:

Carry out a survey to have a better knowledge of their pain points and problems that your brand’s product or service will help to counter solve.  

Keep a close track of your target audience’s demographic steps.

Never miss out on any opportunity to enter into a conversation with your target audience, be it as part of comments on any post, or blog, or via direct messages.

Always be free and open to embracing feedback from the target audience. 

3.Contests are a perfect way to accelerate engagement and social media strategies:

A well crafted, and interesting contest carried on social media platforms, is one of the best ways to entice social media audiences. A good contest will help in tapping a new consumer base, alluring the existing target base, increasing brand visibility, and engagement on the page. You can conduct a giveaway contest, which proves to be the most successful running contest on every platform, a guessing contest with a gift voucher for the winner, and so forth. Always remember to promote all the contests that you carry out, for the best results. 

4. Crafting good, out of the box, and trending social media content is paramount for success:

If you are posting content on your social media channels just for the sake of it, you are taking a reverse walk that will never yield success of any kind. Every content that adjusts itself on your social media channels should be well thought about, unique, and crafted in an exquisite manner, keeping in mind the taste of your consumers and the design language of the brand in question. Every social platform has its own set of virtues and your content should be such that can amplify the virtue of the said platform. For instance: 

Facebook is majorly famous for captivating content that is for entertainment purposes and at the same time creates a drive for knowledge. Facebook groups are a very strong method to connect with your ideal consumer base.

LinkedIn is all professional. It’s one of the finest platforms for content distribution and for engaging the B2B consumer base.

Instagram works wonder for short, crisp, and visually pleasant content. Good for creating engagements and attracting eyeballs.

5. Keep the salesman tactics at bay:

While social media platforms are a way to increase brand awareness and thus sales & profit, a salesy communication never works for the profit of any brand. Today’s well educated and informed buyers hate the idea of being sold too and hence every brand should avoid that on social platforms. The mantra of success via social media is quite simple in fact; focus on connecting and building relationships with the audience and once they start trusting you they will automatically buy from you. Too many promotions on social platforms often turn out to be off-putting for the audiences. 

6. Video is the new communication language:

Apart from the masses residing under the rock, everyone knows the importance and reach of video content on social media. People love watching videos and GIFs in contrast to mere static creativity in the long run. Make sure to adorn your social media page with more video format and lesser static posts. 

7.The right tools of the social media business:

Social media is not merely about the social platforms, it is also about extensive SEO, SEM, and ORM techniques and no business strives ahead for success without implementing these practices equally well. The right set of tools and practices leads to the success of the social media strategy while the wrong tools can destroy all of your efforts.

Thus, social media can be quite overwhelming and difficult at times but no one can ignore their benefits, making social media marketing an indispensable part of the marketing world. Always make sure to appoint the best agency to carry out your social media world. Make the best use of trending formats and the latest changes on the social platforms, and around the globe. Be aware of every activity and the latest news of everything that the world is facing to be on top of creativity, social presence, and visibility in order to attract more and more consumers. And, lastly make sure to make connections with the audience, the priority of every communication and every post to see the results. Without conversing and relationship building, the result can prove to be drastic and harmful. 

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