The online marketing space has been dynamic from the very beginning, there have been many trends that have seen the light of day and then faded away. But if there is one constant in digital marketing that never seems to reseed, it has been the influence of ‘Search Engine Optimization’. 

With time, search engines have gotten a lot smarter, and in 2020 their ability to determine what a user wants is expected to take a big leap. 

It is fair to say that SEO professionals and content creators have their work cut out, and they have a lot to figure out. 

Here are some trends that will have an impact on SEO in 2020:

1. “Position 0”  

In 2020, “Position 0” is going to be a buzzword, which is a phrase commonly used for the top-most organic results of a search query. 

Very often the first position for a query is occupied by a featured snippet, which is a trusted way of maximizing clicks and increasing traffic on a website. This year, SEO professional along with content creators will be expected to produce content that is worthy of “Position 0” and has the technical & creative elements to get reflected as a featured snippet. 

2.Content quality 

If you read the commentary by some of the leading voices from Google or other eminent opinion leaders from the SEO world, you’ll realise that rewarding High-Quality content is a key intent behind search engine algorithms. 

Search engines have now evolved considerably and their ability to identify good content has improved dramatically. In the times to come, content that is structured, well-written, relevant and useful will become the backbone of SEO. 


Interpreting what a user wants and generating the most accurate results has always been the guiding principle behind search engines. 

And this year it is expected that a search engine’s (Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo etc ) ability to interpret User Intent will improve significantly. Enabled by AI, Machine learning and other technological advancements, search engines have improved their ability to contextualize what a piece of content is all about. And, it is expected, therefore, that high-quality content which also has a clarity of Intent will get ranked better. 


Backlinking has been a critical element in SEO for the longest time and its influence is still quite relevant. What matters, however, is the authenticity and quality of links that you integrate into your online assets; which is where Influencers come in! 

Influencers or experts from a particular field can be the source of authentic and high-quality backlinks that your website needs, and for that purpose, partnering with influencers can get mainstreamed in the near future. 

Also, a thumbs-up by a leading influence can help build the credibility of your brand. 

5.Voice search optimization 

The effects of Voice search in SEO are still in suspended animation, but 2020 is expected to be a year in which this changes. The ability of search engines to interpret voice searches is going to improve substantially and this may have profound and long-term effects on how search engines function.  

6.Mobile Optimization 

In the last point, we have discussed voice searches, and one reason why voice searches have become important is the increasing use of mobile devices. 

The device preference for using the internet seems to have turned head over heels. And soon enough we’ll see websites being made primarily for mobile devices which will then be optimized for tablets & desktops, etc. 

7.SEO for branding

Apart from performing well on a search engine, it is also important that the online assets of your brand/business are of the highest standards. If your search engine presence is well thought out and sanitised, it will help build credibility and trust for your brand and can also prove to be priceless for your ORM strategy.  

The SEO trends of 2020 only seem to suggest that search engines are becoming more human-centric. And keeping that in mind, the future of SEO seems to be driven by quality & utility of content. 

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