A lot many things changed this year, the most dynamic being the digital media which emerged with multiple new features on every platform, while at the same time waving goodbye to some other features and apps. The digital media industry in India and worldwide have long understood the importance of evolving with the changing dimensions of the digital world, and this time the change has resulted in the UI/UX platform. This is the time for the agencies to step up and review changes in UI/UX to help themselves and their brands to stand strong during today’s era. Some of the most prominent and must evolving trends for the UI/UX industry are as follows: 

1. Scrolling through the dark mode: After the transition of instagram into the dark mode, the newest trend is now the transition of websites into the dark mode. The creation of websites into a prominent dark mode will attract many prospective consumers along with increasing the visibility of the website. In fact, the reasons behind the popularity of this trend is as follows: It gives any website a modern and chic look

# It helps in adding a dose of clarity and visual appeal by bringing out other elements of the website.

# It appeals more to the users as a black mode helps them save the battery life of their devices. 

# Furthermore, the dark mode of the websites helps in reducing the strain on eyes of the users. 

Apart from creating the application in complete dark mode, there are certain websites and applications that allow the power to the users, as per which, they can decide when to shuffle the modes from white to black.

2. Use your illustrator: Well, you can visit the best social media agency in Delhi and worldwide and they will all tell you about the appeal of illustration on every creative and video. The same appeal is also true for applications and websites. An illustration created from hand has gained unparalleled attention and praise from masses all around the globe. The usage of content that is liked and accepted by your target consumers, should at any cost, be a part of your deliverable. 

3. Animating every scroll: Although every expert in the field of UI/UX must be well aware of the cost and struggle of creating a compelling animation as well as motion design, each of them is also well aware of the amount of traction and attraction that these designs grab. In recent times the majority of the creators have recognized the value of videos and motion on the website and application, which have also resulted in transforming the otherwise boring content into the most interesting one. The creators often integrate the motion designs and animation in their About us Section or in the section of their deliverables. Some of the most magnificent usage of motion designs can be seen in areas like, home decor applications and sites where in the users are able to visualize the room of their choice, or the sites and applications for specs and goggles which allow the users to try a piece of glasses on their face, and so forth. The 360 degree view of the deliverables is yet another instance of motion on applications.

4. Voice recognition: Like we have mentioned in our previous blogs, the increase in voice search and Voice User Interface is seeing the peak in digital media. The hottest trend of this year is undoubtedly. The virtual chatbots and audio assistance, that is taking over the digital world. Voice assistance has changed the way users were interacting with the creators and thereby spending more time on what the creator has to deliver. The creators can make use of this new trend to dominate in their niche market and can attract the majority of the footfalls. 

5. Product photo does the charm: Every other trend comes with an expiration date for itself, but not the charm that is spread by the photos of the product being delivered. However, the integration of real time products’ image is no more a drink of the present. Now the trend for 2020 is the usage of surreal photos of the product, showcased on multiple platforms. 

6. The charm of fonts: Fonts have always been a driving force for good content. This year as well, fonts will maintain their charm and therefore on top of the list of trends for 2020. This is more due to the fact that the users pay a major fraction of their attention on the headings and subheads, if enticed at that point, they move further to read the contents written under them. Going by this insight, it is always recommended to use bold fonts for heading and sub heads as bold fonts are known to appeal more to the users and attract maximum eyeballs. Apart from this, usage of bold fonts also add a hint of modern aesthetic to the entire website or application. 

7. Layout is important: Everything else will fall out as advantageous only if your layout is interesting. One of the classic layouts has always been the block layout. This layout works on easily definable borders for each section and hence provides a proper sequence  of information flow, even at a glance. Another very interesting layout is the asymmetric layout that has not seen the market so enormously. But, this trend will change in the year 2020. This year, asymmetric layout will see an increased market, much because people today are accustomed to operate on multiple tabs at a single go. This changed attribute of users at large will be the driving force behind the growing popularity of this layout pattern. 

8. Tonality of the content and flow: Those were old times when being a popular company was enough to gain traction and be the talk of the town. Nowadays, companies are required to do a lot many things, other than providing top notch products and services, to become the leader in the industry. The users of today are extremely thought driven and aware, this is the reason why users are more inclined towards becoming the part of the company they are investing their time in than just being a user. The users feel this as their right to have an understanding of the history, reason behind the popularity of the brand, and its unique proposition, per say, the users are interested in having a transparent relationship with the brands. Hence, it is advisable to keep the tonality of the content very informal and in the manner of a two way communication, with the usage of everyday phrases and dialogues for creating a meaningful relationship with the users. Keeping the tone a bit humorous also helps, but the companies should keep their target zone of audience before jumping onto humor and deciding its limits. 

The sphere of UI/UX has seen a wide spread in previous years and is continuing to expand more this year as well. The year 2020 will have a mixed version of UI/UX with the mix classic styles and modern aesthetics, opening up new areas of the said department. A successful website/application will have to have the correct flow of this mixture.

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