Bloggers all around the globe are both fascinated and intimidated by Search Engine Optimization (SEO). While search engines are placed on the top of the shelf when the discussion is about generating maximum traffic for a blog, it is most often done in a poor manner that leads to limited readability of the posts. Most of the bloggers, even some of the best digital agencies in Delhi and the world, believe the pretense that to write an SEO worthy optimized content, the keywords must be forcefully stuffed into the headings and paragraphs that follow, making the post scarcely readable. 

To brush up the basic level, SEO is essentially a method to make the search engines like Google that your blog is helpful and relevant to individuals seeking information either about your line of product or your industry. 

Now, to select an optimum way to disseminate the information to targeted search engines, about your website being relevant to various queries, is the point that loses the concentration and focus of the majority of bloggers and marketers, resulting in failed results. In the long run, this could possibly lead the bloggers to take part in various tactics that might potentially harm the website altogether.  

New Web optimization tips for bloggers are always springing up around the Internet. It is significantly hard for new bloggers to get a grip on what they should do with regards to getting content to appear higher in search engines. It appears the go-to strategies are well known one day and become completely useless and harmful in a matter of a couple of months only. 

Regardless of a few changes made to the Google algorithms, used to figure out where your content will rank for various questions, the tactics for Search engine optimization have remained fairly steady throughout the years. After all, nobody wishes to be the restless advertiser having restless nights thinking about the gossip of Google refreshing Panda or Penguin on Webmaster. 

Here, we will be discussing the best SEO practices and tips that every blogger should incorporate to strive in the field. With the help of these tips, you can master the art of SEO, if done correctly. Always remember, a good and result-driven SEO is interesting and leads to generating quick eyeballs to your content as well to your sites, without much effort.  

1. Always write for your Audience first

One of the biggest faults that started getting visible with the “SEO Content” becoming the talk of the town, was the gradual drop in the quality of the content. The bloggers almost instantly got involved in writing their content for mere search engines, like robots and in the meantime completely ignored the basic – Audience. One should always keep in mind that the basic of every search intent made by the audience is to get fruitful answers and solutions, and not robotic semantics. While writing a blog, the focus should essentially be written in a way that leads to answering the question raised by the audience, and not merely stuffed with irrelevant keywords. This can only be achieved when the focus is shifted from keywords to content quality. 

 2. Build your links with the help of relationship building:

One of the most prominent and strongest methods to increase the ranking of your blog in search engines, still remains linking your content with other websites, as per the best SEO services in Delhi and all around the globe. In past years, most of the bloggers were famously engaged in “Black Hat” tactics of building links, like getting indulged in spam directory sites or buying links from poor quality blogs to increase the number of links addressing their website. The easiest and most result-driven way to achieve this is by building relationships. You can start by creating a list of influencers, websites, and important authorities of your industry. Next, you can lure them with some kind of value-added benefit to create a relationship with them, post which they will likely be interested to link your content on their site. 

 3. Master on-page SEO basics:

The second most crucial aspect to increase ranking is, on-page optimization. One should master its basics, mostly for the reason that you have greater control over it in comparison to off-page factors. Although a lot goes into on-page SEO, you can start with the basics, which is more than enough to keep you ahead from others in the line. It includes: 

Creating SEO friendly URLs

Assigning Meta Title

Including H1 Tag

Providing Subheadings

Usage of Images

Creating Internal Links

Creating Outbound links

Accessing Usability

 4.Invest a good deal in SEO tools:

Like any other practice, Search Engine Optimization can be implemented manually, however, it is a lot more efficient with the help of hundreds of SEO tools that are available to help rectify different problems and grey areas of optimization. Some of the most prominent includes practices that can be solved using tools available online are: 

Thorough keyword research and their inclusion in the content.

Keeping a track record of your content ranking.

Ensuring the optimization of on-page SEO.

Working to build as many links as possible.

Creating content on the topics of interest. 

 4. Keyword Research should be part of your planning:

It is true that content should flow and conceptualize to appeal to the answer and solutions to the problems stipulated by the audiences. However, the importance of keywords can not be ignored or left behind. While planning on your calendar about the blogs, always take out some time to undergo thorough research on the keywords. This, apart from helping your blogs to climb the ladder of ranking on the search engines, also helps you to understand what is it that your target audience is thinking and what language appeals to them when looking for answers. 

 5. Invest time in creating linkable assets:

Have you ever come across an extremely valuable, useful, and unique piece of content that couldn’t help but link to it? This is known as a linkable asset. Suppose you read two articles on Google, one amazon and the other just okay. You will go on lengths to talk about the amazing article to everyone you will meet and maybe talk about the okay piece only if someone specifically asks about it. This is the difference between linkable assets. To make your blog stand out, you can use some of these ideas to create linkable asset: 

Giving a tour of free tool or App

Some ultimate guide posts

Creating Mega lists

Showcasing some Infographics

Introducing online guides

Adding some influencer round-ups

Including quizzes and puzzles

Involving some really interesting case studies

Adding industry-related surveys and researches


To have access to the best services in search engine optimization and to stand out like a PRO, you need not necessarily have years of experience. With some smart techniques, proper usage of online tools, and some awesome content up your sleeves, you can master the art of Search Engine Optimization, which does not exactly have to be complicated or difficult. Follow the above-mentioned tips and steps and you can rule the SEO world in no time, even if you are a first-timer and wish to create your space in this world. Lastly, it would not be wrong to state that SEO is the need of the hour and will continue to grow more and more, with the increasing consumer behavior towards online searches and digital platforms. 

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