If you search for digital marketing trends in 2020, you’ll find numerous blogs that are looking into the future and trying to predict what it holds for us. Some of the extrapolations in these blogs show incredible foresight and are quite enlightening. 

Having said that, as we step into 2020 we need to have a realistic perspective on what will work in the “Near Future”, which is exactly what we have attempted in this blog. 

So, here are a few digital marketing trends that will make a real difference in 2020:


“Story Ads” will peak


The “Stories” feature has been around for a long time now and has been adopted across many social media platforms. And, although Instagram Story Ads have already made their presence felt, their true power will be felt in 2020. 

When it comes to grabbing the attention of an audience in split seconds, few other features have been as effective as “Story Ads”. 

Be it brand awareness, App installs, acquisition, sales etc; stories have proved to be an effective tool for all kinds of marketing objectives. And, now that brands & marketers have a good understanding of this feature, they’ll be able to harness it and create content that will be most effective for this channel. 


Shoppable posts will sell more


Social commerce is now deepening its roots and could very well become the “new normal”. It is highly probable that the businesses which do not leverage this new channel may get left out. 

Shoppable posts are one trend that online shoppers have quickly adopted, and in 2020 this is likely to become one of the most important channels to drive sales. 

A sizeable number of brands & businesses have understood the importance of shoppable posts and have already started generating business through this tool. Many small niche brands, especially, have found this an effective way to reach their target audience and drive up their sales. 


Personalization will find a bigger audience 


“The more a customer feels attached to a brand, the more is his/her need for personalization.” 

When it comes to retention of loyal customers and creating brand advocacy, personalization seems to be playing a very important role. Many online brands keep their loyalists & Brand advocate on a pedestal and create a personalized buying experience for them. For example, they interact with their loyalists on the brands’ App and create deals that are specially crafted for them. 

In 2020 personalization will likely get entrenched as an important part of digital marketing strategy.  


Immersive technology will become indispensable 


The one industry that has adopted immersive technology in a big way is the automotive industry. Car companies have used both Virtual reality (VR) & Augmented Reality (AR) to create digital models of their cars that prospective customers can explore from the comfort of their homes. 

It is also used for other products and services like furniture, hotel rooms, homes & real estate, etc. When it comes to high involvement products, immersive technology will soon turn out to be indispensable. 


SEO will get smarter (No Points for guessing) 


According to many eminent voices from the industry, SEO in 2020 will continue to be driven by customer intent, and, structure and delivery of content will be of key importance. SEO will also become more relevant to brand marketing, rather than just driving search engine performance. 


Marketing fundamentals will matter 


The internet is now a more level playing field than it was ever before, and it has become harder to outrun the human aspects of marketing with technical tactics. Fundamentals like knowing your target audience, branding, storytelling, creating high-quality content, etc are just as relevant in digital marketing as any other form of marketing. 

Marketing digital or otherwise is driven by creativity, and with digital technology becoming smarter than ever, it is creativity that’ll give you the winning edge!

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